
DVR has facilitated many projects that support service users involvement to develop information that empowers and creates solidarity.

In addition, we have facilitated a resource created by transition year students which has been extensively use locally and nationally in highlighting abuse in dating relationships.

These publications are available by contacting

I Know a Woman

by April O’Connor

A collection of poems and sketches which, in its entirety, traces one Irish woman’s journey from victim to survivor of domestic abuse. It is an astonishingly brave collection, and one that challenges the reader to engage on an emotional level, not only with the woman behind the words on the page, but with the concept of domestic abuse as it is (mis)understood in our society.

It is an important collection that will touch everyone who reads it.

Living to Tell the Tale

…as told by survivors of domestic abuse

Women united for an end to violence – 2004.

This manual illustrates the everyday reality of so many people who live with and survive domestic abuse. The personal stories articulate the raw fear, the searing pain, the confusion, the poverty and the isolation of those living with and surviving domestic abuse.

It covers topics such as perpetrators, the impact of domestic abuse on women and children, the difficulties of leaving and it gives insights into healing and moving on.

Life’s Real Fairytale

Produced by Domestic Violence Response in conjunction with St. Paul’s Secondary School

A manual of information, support and advice for those living with domestic abuse, with recommendations for service providers.

“I could finally see what I had been in and more than anything else I felt respected and believed. I also got incredible support during my legal case – which felt like I had a midwife with me as I moved into a new part of my life.”

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Educational Training Programmes

Training and workshops to organisations, third level colleges, community groups and CPD accredited training courses for professionals.


Find out more about DVR, our history, our board and our funders.

Awareness Programmes

DVR organise awareness workshops for Secondary Schools, Third Level Colleges, Community Youth Groups and at Events.